Fear Five Sailors Lost in Wreck Off Miminegash, P. E. Island, 1935
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Fear Five Sailors Lost in Wreck Off Miminegash, P. E. Island, 1935

May 28, 2023


“Shippegan, NB-Captain Emile Savoie and his crew of four were feared dead tonight (5 September 1935) after wreckage found at Horse Head near Miminegash, P. E. Island, had been brought here on the R. C. M. P Patrol Boat ‘New Brunswicker’ and identified as parts of the two-masted schooner ‘A Savoie’ the small Shippegan fishing craft, missing since August 25. The patrol boat, sent to search for the schooner, returned with a rudder bar and other wreckage identified as having come from the missing vessel.” “The Guardian,” 6 September 1935.

“The four men aboard the schooner ‘A Savoie’ in addition to Captain Savoie were Joseph Savoie, Joseph Bulger, Patrick Lanteigne and Eugene Mattel, all married. Their families include 32 young children.”

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